J. Fontcuberta. Niepce. 2005.
"La cuestión de lo público es inseparable de la de los medios" (Koch, 2005: 747).
El ojo de Rob Spence.
"We could say, following Deleuze and Guattari, that legitimate social
strata are constantly challenged by a rhizomatic impetus for social reformation (see Deleuze, 1980).As Latour declares, “it’s because we ourselves are so divided by so many contradictory attachments
that we have to assemble” (Latour, 2005: 24). Consequently, the public sphere emerges from this perpetual strive between legitimate structures and social unconformity, between official discourses
and subversive voices, between stagnation and revolution. If we accept that “to assemble is one
thing; to represent to the eyes and ears of those assembled what is at stake is another” (Latour,
2005: 18), the battlegrounds for this symbolic wars are the media. But, what is the configuration of
this contention field?" PMZ
“Strangely enough, we have changed time so completely that we have shifted from the time of
Time to the time of Simultaneity. Nothing, it seems, accepts to simply reside in the past, and no
one feels intimidated any more by the adjectives ‘irrational’, ‘backward’ or ‘archaic’. Time, the
bygone time of cataclysmic substitution, has suddenly become something that neither the Left
nor the Right seems to have been fully prepared to encounter: a monstrous time, the time of
cohabitation. Everything has become contemporary” (Latour, 2005: 40).
Neurons over electrodes.
“The term appropriate technology refers to both everyday uses of technology that are
appropriate to the job at hand and the way users decide how and what to appropriate. To avoid
becoming dependent on sources that extract too high a price, or to ensure that the technology
will be available to everyone, one appropriates only what is needed” (Penley, 1991: 141).
“We could in like manner say that the atmospheric premises of democracy must be formed from
a parallelogram of observer’s virtues and participant’s virtues. The citizen as a highly
improbable artificial figure of political anthropology would thus first become possible by a
combination of actor and spectator in a single person, and that said the entire public domain
would have to consist of this type of agent” (Sloterdijk, 2005: 948).
Pneumatic Parliament, Peter Slotedijk
Pneumatic Parliament, Peter Slotedijk
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